Rules Analysis
WFDF 2021-24 Rules
15. Calling Fouls, Infractions and Violations
This rule was changed from the previous rulebook version
This rule was added from the previous rulebook version
This rule has updates in the next rulebook version

Calls must be made immediately after the breach is recognised.

If a player who is unable to make the call recognises it, such as a receiver in the case of a straddle, the breach can still be called once the player who can make the call recognises it (ie the thrower in this example). However if, for example, the marker recognises that the thrower has established a pivot at the incorrect spot, they cannot wait until the stall count gets to 6 before they call a travel.In addition, if a player had a reasonable opportunity to recognise that a breach had occurred, but continued play as if no breach had occurred, they should not make the call later on. For example if the thrower establishes a pivot at the incorrect spot, and the marker starts the stall count, then once the stall count reaches 6, the marker should not call travel for the pivot having been established at the incorrect spot, even if they do not notice until the stall count reaches 6.If play has stopped for a discussion, a player can still make a call as part of the discussion.A player that makes a foul, violation, infraction, or turnover call must have reasonable grounds to think that a breach or turnover might have occurred, but they do not have to be certain that it has occurred. If a player believes that they have reasonable grounds to think that a breach or turnover might have occurred, they may call a stoppage (without making a specific call) to enable players to discuss the situation and determine what did occur and the appropriate outcome.

WFDF 2017 Rules

Calls must be made immediately after the breach is recognised.

If a player who is unable to make the call recognises it, such as a receiver in the case of a double team, the breach can still be called once the player who can make the call recognises it (ie the thrower in this example). However if, for example, the marker recognises that the thrower has established a pivot at the incorrect spot, they cannot wait until the stall count gets to 6 before they call a travel.
If play has stopped for a discussion, a player can still make a call during the discussion or at the end of the discussion.