Rules Analysis
WFDF 2021-24 Rules
12. Receivers and Positioning
This rule was changed from the previous rulebook version
This rule was added from the previous rulebook version
This rule has updates in the next rulebook version

No player may physically assist the movement of another player, nor use an item of equipment or object to assist in contacting the disc.

If an offense player physically assists the movement of a team-mate, or uses an item of equipment to assist in contacting the disc, this is a turnover – see rules 13.2.6, and 13.2.7.If a defender physically assists the movement of a team-mate, or uses an item of equipment to assist in contacting the disc (e.g. throwing a hat in the direction of the disc), this is a violation. The intended receiver should be awarded possession.

WFDF 2017 Rules

No player may physically assist the movement of another player, nor use an item of equipment to assist in contacting the disc.

If an offense player physically assists the movement of another, or uses an item of equipment to assist in contacting the disc, this is a turnover -- see rules 13.2.6, 13.2.7, and 13.7.4. If a defender physically assists the movement of another, or uses an item of equipment to assist in contacting the disc (e.g. throwing a hat in the direction of the disc), this is a violation. The intended receiver should be awarded possession.