Fouls (II.E): It is the responsibility of all players to avoid contact in every way possible .
Avoid contact in every way reasonable possible, while still playing Ultimate. Some contact is inevitable, but players have an affirmative obligation to make reasonable efforts to avoid contact.
Strip: If a defensive player initiates contact with the disc after an offensive player has gained possession of the disc, and the offensive player loses possession as a result, it is a strip. A strip is a subset of fouls and is treated the same way.
Strip: If a foul causes a player to lose possession of the disc, it is a strip. A strip is a subset of fouls and is treated the same way.
Initiating contact with a disc in a player's possession is a foul. Sustained contact with, and control of, a non-spinning disc is required to establish possession (3.J). A player may not call a strip if they had only momentary contact with or lacked control of the disc prior to an opponent contacting the disc.