Rules Analysis
WFDF 2021-24 Appendix v1
Appendix E: Seeding, Schedule and Event Bids

Bids to National Team Events (WUGC, WU24, WJUC, WMUC)


Where events have limitations on the number of teams or participants, WFDF will reduce the number of bids offered to National Federations by the following criteria implemented in order. No Federation will receive more than one (1) bid per playing division. For section E4.2.1 & E4.2.3 WFDF may limit the number of bids offered using the most recent WFDF World Rankings of Ultimate if implementing that criteria for all National Federations exceeds the event capacity.

This rule was changed from the previous rulebook version
This rule was added from the previous rulebook version
This rule has updates in the next rulebook version

A waitlist will be created for each playing division in the event using remaining teams who have expressed an interest in attending the event in the order of the WFDF World Ultimate Rankings as of the opening of registration for the event. Any country accepting a single bid in E4.2.4 will have all remaining teams on the waitlist in other divisions moved to the bottom of the waitlist, in order of WFDF World Ultimate Rankings for all similar teams.

WFDF 2021-24 Appendix v2

A waitlist will be created for each playing division in the event using remaining teams who have expressed an interest in attending the event in the order of the WFDF World Ultimate Rankings as of the opening of registration for the event. Any country accepting a single bid in E4.2.4 will have all remaining teams on the waitlist in other divisions moved to the bottom of the waitlist, in order of WFDF World Ultimate Rankings for all similar teams.