Captain: A team member, who is eligible to participate in the game, and has been designated to represent the team in decision-making on behalf of the team before, during, and after a game.
Coach: A team member who has been officially recognized by event organizers to have met the requirements necessary for coaching, including but not limited to certification, screening, education, and registration. Coaches are permitted in areas where sideline players are allowed, during and between points, in accordance with event rules. Coaches are not permitted to make calls or contribute to the discussion or resolution of calls, except to clarify rules if requested.
Defensive player/Defender: A player whose team is not in possession of the disc. A defensive player may not pick up a live disc or a disc in play or call for a pass from the thrower.
Event organizer: The person(s) or entity organizing and responsible for a competition, whether it is a tournament, tournament series, league, single game, or other type of event. Responsibilities may include, but are not limited to competition rules, safety, event registration and event logistics.
Event support staff: Event support staff are officially designated personnel assigned by the event organizers to cover a wide variety of positions and responsibilities associated with an event, including but not limited to medical staff, scorekeepers, security, media, field crew, and other paid or volunteer positions. Vendors, sponsors, and business partners may also be designated as event support staff by the event organizer. Event support staff do not have additional duties or permissions beyond those specifically assigned by the event organizer.
Marker: The defensive player within ten feet of the thrower's pivot or of the thrower if no pivot has been established. If the disc is not in a player's possession, a defensive player within ten feet of a spot on the field where the disc is to be put into play is considered the marker.
Observer: Observers are non-player game officials whose job is to support the players in implementing a safe, fair, and efficient game. Observers carefully watch the action of the game, assist with communication, help uphold self-officiating and the Spirit of the Game, assist with resolving calls as needed, and perform other duties as described in [Section 19]([#19. Observers](http://#19. Observers)).
Player: One of the up to fourteen (14) persons who are participating in the current point of play.
Sideline player: Any team member who is present at the field and eligible to participate in the game, but who is not a player participating in the current point.
Spirit captain: A team member, who is eligible to participate in the game, and has been designated to address, discuss, and resolve spirit issues at any point throughout the competition with opponents, teammates, coaches, and game or event officials. If no spirit captain is designated, this role is assigned to the captain(s).