Rules Analysis
PUL 2022 Rules
3. Definitions

Best perspective: The most complete view available by a player that includes the relative positions of the disc, ground, players, and line markers involved in a play. On an unlined field, this may require sighting from one field marker to another. Best perspective always belongs to a player. However, players may rely on the following sources as a component of best perspective:

This rule was changed from the previous rulebook version
This rule was added from the previous rulebook version
This rule has updates in the next rulebook version

Players may seek the perspective of sideline players to clarify the rules and to assist players in making the appropriate call. Players may seek the perspective of coaches to clarify a rule, but not to assist in making the appropriate call.


Sideline players should not offer their perspective unless solicited by a player. However, a sideline player may offer perspective without being asked by a player if the perspective offered is to the detriment of the sideline player's team.

PUL 2021 Rules

Players may seek the perspective of sideline players to clarify the rules and to assist players in making the appropriate call. Players may seek the perspective of coaches to clarify a rule, but not to assist in making the appropriate call.

USAU 2020-21 Rules

Players may seek the perspective of sideline players to clarify the rules and to assist players in making the appropriate call. Players may seek the perspective of coaches to clarify a rule, but not to assist in making the appropriate call.

USAU 11th Edition Rules

Best perspective: The most complete view available by a player that includes the relative positions of the disc, ground, players, and line markers involved in a play. On an unlined field, this may require sighting from one field marker to another.

USAU 2022-23 Rules

Players may seek the perspective of sideline players to clarify the rules and to assist players in making the appropriate call. Players may seek the perspective of coaches to clarify a rule, but not to assist in making the appropriate call.