Rules Analysis
PUL 2022 Rules
This rule was changed from the previous rulebook version
This rule was added from the previous rulebook version
This rule has updates in the next rulebook version
2. Spirit of the Game
2. Spirit of the Game

Spirit of the Game is a set of principles which places the responsibility for fair play on the player. Highly competitive play is encouraged, but never at the expense of mutual respect among competitors, adherence to the agreed upon rules, or the basic joy of play.


All players are responsible for knowing, administering, and adhering to the rules. The integrity of ultimate depends on each player's responsibility to uphold the Spirit of the Game, and this responsibility should remain paramount.


It is assumed that no player will intentionally violate the rules; thus there are no harsh penalties for inadvertent infractions, but rather a method for resuming play in a manner that simulates what most likely would have occurred absent the infraction. An intentional infraction is cheating and considered a gross offense against the Spirit of the Game. Players are morally bound to abide by the rules and not gain advantage by knowingly committing an infraction, or calling one where none exists.


Players should be mindful of the fact that they are acting as officials in any arbitration between teams. Players must:

Players are required to “explain their viewpoint clearly and concisely” and “resolve disputes as quickly as possible.” As such, most discussions should not exceed thirty seconds before either reaching a resolution or requesting an observer to resolve the dispute. If both players have had an opportunity to state their viewpoint and it is clear that an agreement will not be reached, players have an obligation to accept that the call is contested and resolve it as such. Where a dispute exists regarding what a rule says, the players may agree to consult a rulebook.


The following are examples of possible actions to support good spirit:


The following actions are clear violations of the Spirit of the Game and must be avoided by all participants:


Teams are guardians of the Spirit of the Game, and must:


In the case where a novice player commits an infraction out of ignorance of the rules, experienced players are obliged to explain the infraction and clarify what should happen.


Rules should be interpreted by the players directly involved in the play, or by players who had the best perspective on the play (3.A). Players may seek the perspective of sideline players to clarify the rules, and to assist in making the appropriate call.


Players are responsible for making all calls except where specific rules designate non-players to make calls.

For example, offsides on the pull or when observers keep time.


If after discussion players cannot agree, or it is unclear:



2. Spirit of the Game
PUL 2021 Rules
2. Spirit of the Game
USAU 2020-21 Rules
2. Spirit of the Game
USAU 11th Edition Rules

Spirit of the Game: Ultimate relies upon a spirit of sportsmanship that places the responsibility for fair play on the player. Highly competitive play is encouraged, but never at the expense of mutual respect among competitors, adherence to the agreed upon rules, or the basic joy of play. Protection of these vital elements serves to eliminate unsportsmanlike conduct from the Ultimate field. Such actions as taunting opposing players, dangerous aggression, belligerent intimidation, intentional infractions, or other win-at-all-costs behavior are contrary to the spirit of the game and must be avoided by all players.

USAU 2022-23 Rules
2. Spirit of the Game