Any time an infraction is called, the Continuation Rule applies. Continuation Rule: Play stops when the thrower in possession acknowledges that an infraction has been called.
This refers to the thrower who possesses the disc or has just released the disc at the time of the infraction/call. Who the thrower (3.O.5) is is determined at the time of the infraction/call.
If a call is made when the disc is in the air or the thrower is in the act of throwing, or if the thrower fails to acknowledge the call and subsequently attempts a pass, play continues until the outcome of that pass is determined. For the purpose of the Continuation Rule, an uncontested stall that occurs after another call is treated the same as an incomplete pass.
Thus, if you get stalled before you acknowledge a call, it is treated the same as if you ignored the call and threw a turnover.
If a call is made when the disc is in the air or the thrower is in the act of throwing, or if the thrower fails to acknowledge the call and subsequently attempts a pass, play continues until the outcome of that pass is determined. For the purpose of the Continuation Rule, an uncontested stall that occurs after another call is treated the same as an incomplete pass.
This refers to the thrower who possesses the disc or has just released the disc at the time of the infraction/call. Who the thrower (3.O.5) is is determined at the time of the infraction/call.
If a call is made when the disc is in the air or the thrower is in the act of throwing, or if the thrower fails to acknowledge the call and subsequently attempts a pass, play continues until the outcome of that pass is determined. For the purpose of the Continuation Rule, an uncontested stall that occurs after another call is treated the same as an incomplete pass.
Thus, if you get stalled before you acknowledge a call, it is treated the same as if you ignored the call and threw a turnover.
If a call is made when the disc is in the air or the thrower is in the act of throwing, or if the thrower fails to acknowledge the call and subsequently attempts a pass, play continues until the outcome of that pass is determined. For the purpose of the Continuation Rule, an uncontested stall that occurs after another call is treated the same as an incomplete pass.
Thus, if you get stalled before you acknowledge a call, it is treated the same as if you ignored the call and threw a turnover.