Rules Analysis
PUL 2022 Rules
15. The Marker

Stalling: The period of time within which a thrower must release a throw may be timed by the stall count.

This rule was changed from the previous rulebook version
This rule was added from the previous rulebook version
This rule has updates in the next rulebook version

If the defense switches markers, the new marker must reinitiate the stall count.

Reinitiate the stall count means to start over ("stalling one...").

15.A.4 cont.

A marker leaving the ten foot radius and returning is considered a new marker.

PUL 2021 Rules

If the defense switches markers, the new marker must reinitiate the stall count.

A marker should not automatically call "stall" because they got to the count of ten. They should be certain that the disc was not yet released and that their count wasn't fast.

USAU 2020-21 Rules

If the defense switches markers, the new marker must reinitiate the stall count.

Reinitiate the stall count means to start over ("stalling one...").

USAU 11th Edition Rules

If the defense switches markers, the new marker must reinitiate the stall count . A marker leaving the three-meter radius and returning is considered a new marker.

Reinitiate the stall count means to start over ("stalling one…").

USAU 2022-23 Rules

If the defense switches markers, the new marker must reinitiate the stall count.

Reinitiate the stall count means to start over ("stalling one...").