The home team is REQUIRED to have their clock operator and the Head Observer connected via handheld two-way radio, or walkie talkies, for the entirety of the game.
In the last 2 minutes of the 4th quarter only, the clock will stop after goal and restart when pull is caught, touched or tapped into play from an out of bounds area. It will also stop on every call and out of bounds turnover. For restart of clock in these instances, the clock will be restarted when disc is put back in play (mark tap in or offense ground check).
If a foul or violation resulting in clock stoppage occurs at the end of time in the 4th quarter, and the violation is contested resulting in disc returning to the thrower with time left in the stall, the game clock will be restored to the time the throw was released. Repeat if a subsequent call occurs.
At the end of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd quarters, once the clock expires, play ends with the conclusion of the current Team’s possession. That is, the offense (team that has possession when the clock reaches 0:00) gets one possession to score.
At the end of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd quarters, if time expires during or as the immediate subsequent event after a call (violation, foul, or injury) OR out of bounds throw:
If the result of the call retains possession of the disc as it was prior to the call, the team retaining possession gets to play out that possession as the last possession of the quarter.
At the end of the game (4th quarter), once the clock shows 00:00.0, at the buzzer, play ends when the result of the throw is determined. If the game is tied at that point, the OT sequence is activated.
Players will have 10s of clock time to come to an agreement (or go to the Observer) on a call before the Observer enters the conversation.
Observer will say, “Have you resolved the call yourselves?” IF the observer had a clear view of the play they can add “I had a clear view. Do you want me to make a ruling?” If the answer is no to either question, the observer will stop the clock to gather more information from the players about what happened in order to make a ruling.