Rules Analysis
PUL 2021 Rules
3. Definitions
This rule was changed from the previous rulebook version
This rule was added from the previous rulebook version
This rule has updates in the next rulebook version

Stoppage of play: Any halting of play due to a call, discussion, or timeout that requires a check or self-check to restart play. The term play stops means a stoppage of play occurs.

Play-halting calls include "foul," "violation," "pick," "stall," etc.

USAU 2020-21 Rules

Stoppage of play: Any halting of play due to a call, discussion, or timeout that requires a check or self-check to restart play. The term play stops means a stoppage of play occurs.

Play-halting calls include "foul," "violation," "pick," "stall," etc.

USAU 11th Edition Rules

Stoppage of play: Any halting of play due to a call, discussion, or time-out that requires a check or self-check to restart play. The term play stops means a stoppage of play occurs.

Play-halting calls include "foul", "violation", "travel," "pick," "stall", etc.