Rules Analysis
PUL 2021 Rules
17. Violations and Fouls
This rule was changed from the previous rulebook version
This rule was added from the previous rulebook version
This rule has updates in the next rulebook version

If a dispute arises concerning an infraction or the outcome of a play (e.g., a catch where no one had a good perspective), and the teams cannot come to a satisfactory resolution, play stops, and the disc is returned to the thrower and put into play with a check (9.D), with the count reached plus one or at six if over five.

USAU 2020-21 Rules

If a dispute arises concerning an infraction or the outcome of a play (e.g., a catch where no one had a good perspective), and the teams cannot come to a satisfactory resolution, play stops, and the disc is returned to the thrower and put into play with a check (9.D), with the count reached plus one or at six if over five.

USAU 11th Edition Rules

If a dispute arises concerning an infraction or the outcome of a play (e.g., a catch where no one had a good perspective), and the teams cannot come to a satisfactory resolution, play stops, and the disc is returned to the thrower and put into play with a check (VIII.D), with the count reached plus one or at six if over five.