Any time an infraction is called, the Continuation Rule applies. Continuation Rule: Play stops when the thrower in possession acknowledges that an infraction has been called.
This belief may be based on the player's perspective on the particular sequence of events or based on a disagreement over the application of the rules, provided the player has read and understands the rules. For example, "No, I didn't slap your hand" or "Tipping the disc to someone else is not a travel."
If the pass is incomplete:
This means that if you throw a turnover and call a foul on contact after the release, the turnover will generally stand. Note that the timing is based on when the infraction occurred for this rule.
If the infraction affected the play (17.C.5), play stops and the disc reverts to the thrower unless the specific rule (e.g., the receiving foul rule) says otherwise.