Rules Analysis
PUL 2021 Rules
12. Scoring

For example, after an uncontested receiving foul.

This rule was changed from the previous rulebook version
This rule was added from the previous rulebook version
This rule has updates in the next rulebook version

If a player catches the disc and believes a goal has been scored the player may call "goal" and play stops.

12.D cont.

Best practice is to announce "goal" and raise both hands vertically above the head. After a contested or retracted goal call, play must restart with a check and the call is deemed to have been made when the pass was caught.

Under 12.A, scoring a goal includes surviving all ground contact related to the catch. Thus, "goal" may not be called if the player did not maintain possession through all ground contact related to the catch, nor may "goal" be called prior to completion of all ground contact related to the catch.

USAU 2020-21 Rules

If a player catches the disc and believes a goal has been scored the player may call "goal" and play stops.

Under 12.A, scoring a goal includes surviving all ground contact related to the catch. Thus, "goal" may not be called if the player did not maintain possession through all ground contact related to the catch, nor may "goal" be called prior to completion of all ground contact related to the catch.