If the thrower has not released the disc at the first utterance of the word "ten," it is a turnover. The marker loudly announces "stall" and play stops. If the disc is thrown, play continues until the outcome of that pass is determined. A stall is not a violation and the Continuation Rule (17.C) does not apply.
The thrower may contest a stall call in the belief that the disc was released before the first utterance of the word "ten" or if the marker committed a fast count such that the thrower did not have a reasonable opportunity to call "fast count" before the first utterance of the word "ten." If a stall is contested:
If a stall call is retracted and the thrower attempted a pass, the outcome of the pass stands and play restarts with a check.
A marker should not automatically call "stall" because they got to the count of ten. They should be certain that the disc was not yet released and that their count wasn't fast.
If a stall call is retracted and the thrower attempted a pass, the outcome of the pass stands and play restarts with a check.
A marker should not automatically call "stall" because they got to the count of ten. They should be certain that the disc was not yet released and that their count wasn't fast.
If a stall call is retracted and the thrower attempted a pass, the outcome of the pass stands and play restarts with a check.
A marker should not automatically call "stall" because they got to the count of ten. They should be certain that the disc was not yet released and that their count wasn't fast.